Strength In Thunder
BlogStrength in Thunder Ride, an event promoting various charitable organizations that support Military Vets, was a huge success! Watch a brief video segment highlighting the Strength in Thunder Ride event, as well as The Los Angeles Film School’s…

Hollywood’s Veterans Immersion Program Founder Sand Weinberg Speaks Out
BlogSandy Weinberg, the founder of Hollywood’s Veterans Immersion Program, wrote an article for HollywoodJournal.com explaining why he created the program and how our Executive Military Director, Amber Chaib, was instrumental in the process. Creating…

Horror Film Professionals Panel
BlogCalling all horror filmmakers and fans! Don't miss this outstanding Q&A Panel and Networking Event with horror filmmakers and Hollywood professionals:
When: Thursday, May 30th at 7:30pm
Where: LA Film School Main Theater, 6363 Sunset…

Congrats To Recording Instructor Andrew Ing On His 2nd Emmy Nomination!
BlogLos Angeles Recording School Course Director, Intermediate Film Sound instructor Andrew Ing was nominated for a 2nd Daytime Emmy Award for his work on Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness which airs on Nickelodeon.
The nomination is for the…

Blog, Guest Speakers This Saturday, November 10th at 9am join us for an exclusive Q&A session with award-winning Hollywood publicist Marc Cohen (Harry Potter, 300, Toy Story 2). Give your film the edge! Get inside publicity tips from one of Hollywood's top…